Monday, 5 March 2007

Nutrition - Dietary Fat

Don’t forget the fat when you are working at building your muscle mass. I mean dietary fat – which help your hormone production. This is what makes you grow and become strong. Low fat diets actually won’t make you build those muscles. And contrary to what people think, eating fat won’t make you fat. There are some specific muscle building diets that insist that you only eat fat. And it works. The overweight people are like that because they get a diet that is high in carbs – not fats. A low fat diet makes your body store the fat because it doesn’t know when the next quota will arrive. Also, your testosterone levels dip with a low fat diet. That is not what you want when you want to gain muscle. There is a relationship between dietary fat and testosterone production. The more the fat, the more the testosterone levels. So a decrease in fat is not going to help at all. But beware – don’t load up on saturated fats - these will only give you diseases and heart problems. Just focus on the essential fatty acids. These help with various things including prevention of muscle breakdowns. They help in increasing your good cholesterol levels too.

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