Saturday 24 February 2007

Body Building Tip - Variety is The Key

Variety is the spice of life – and bodybuilding! You need variety in your workouts if you want to keep from over training and its associated hassles. Cross training works for cardio stamina – walking, running, jogging, biking, swimming etc. You should get a whole body muscle work out once a week. You have to vary speeds and intensity of workouts to successfully gain weight. Enough rest should follow the cardio training. Also, be very sure that the trained body part gets enough time to completely recover; otherwise you’ll head for damage. Retraining comes after this. Get one-gram protein per pound of your body weight, as proteins are the muscle builders and you just can’t do without them. What about carbohydrates? Get about 60 per cent of your total calorie intake. Be moderate with fats – about ten to twenty percent ought to be okay. One thing I learned is that in weight gain and body building you can never speed it up – it is too risky. Not only does it lead to injuries, you could just end up doing the wrong things like over training and burn out. Your muscles and tendons can tear – and oh boy! That is painful, I can tell you! Finally – its all about patience and discipline. They get you to your goals in good time.

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